John's Treasure Trove Banner
Frequently Asked Questions

What is this site?:
This site started out as a place to show a large quantity of books to a couple people; without trying to email or text a million pictures. It was mainly for those I've personally given the address to. I've since decided to open it up to anyone. Other categories will eventually be added to the site; as well. You may already see some DVDs. Please keep in mind, this site is a work in progress.

Hopefully, there will ultimately be both things I'm selling, as well as just interesting stuff to see. Later on, I plan to add images from The Recharge Resort. Older ones familiar with the well known resort; along the Fox River, who visited or stayed there during the 1930s-1970s will enjoy this. It will be some time before this is ready though; since I'm still adding books.

If you landed on this site by doing some sort of internet search; you'll likely be wondering why there's so many books but no information included. Well, recently I was presented with a portion of an estate and tasked with finding a new home for around a thousand books. Not normally being a reseller of books myself, I was a bit overwhelmed by the quantity; as you may imagine. Getting individual pictures seemed a momentous task. As it is, not all the books are pictured yet. I'm working on that. Over 700 different books are included so far.

The original owner was a sculptor, artist, photographer, special effects makeup artist and more. If you're interested in either owning some of these books or are a book reseller yourself, this is how it works.

How to Navigate:
Follow the 'Browse Books Here' link to many pages of books. Tap a thumbnail to see a larger view. The larger view can be expanded further, by un-pinching with your finger (on a mobile device) or increasing the Zoom level (on a desktop PC). Under the exploded view, there will be a group number. You'll need that when contacting me about any books.

Contact Info:
My email address is:
If you have questions about a book, email me the Group number. It's under the exploded view of any books. Email me the Group number; along with your questions.

It's also at the bottom of the Books Main page, the Home Page, this page and the DVD pages.

What happens after I contact you with questions?:
Once I know what books you need more info on, I will use the Group # & book title you emailed me. I will then look through all the boxes to find the book or books. Since these books are no longer on shelves, locating them in boxes will take some time. How much time, depends on how many books you asked about, how many boxes I have to get through before finding them, how many people have requested information and of course, my schedule. So please be patient with me and I'll have your answers as quickly as I can.
Once I find the books, I will email you with any answers or pictures you requested. See below for pricing.

Pricing will be determined on a book by book basis & will get cheaper the more you take.
If you're thinking of buying the entire lot, that's an option. The cost will be based on what is still available at that time.

Can I get books shipped to me?:
This site is meant to be for those who are willing to meet me locally. Usually; those who I've met up with in the past, have traveled anywhere from 5 min. to an hour to pick up something. You may be willing to drive further, for a larger amount of books. But Alas, no shipping is available at this time.

Where are you?:
I am located near the Oswego / Montgomery area. For those of you not familiar with the area, this is generally near Aurora, IL.
I usually meet people near some business local to me. As for an exact meeting location; we can determine that on an individual bases, depending on what direction you're coming from.

Can I call or text you?:
While I don't have a phone number posted here, we can exchange numbers prior to making pick-up arrangements. I do like to talk to someone before driving out to meet them. Initially, all book questions should be able to be answered by email though.

Info yet to be added. Till then, feel free to email me with questions. See Contact above.

FAQ Page